JNI: C++ float array to Java
Working on a project mixing C++ and Java, I was in need to pass a raw C++ float array back to Java. JNI is not the best documented piece of software (personal opinion) so it took me a while to figure it out.
This blog post will show how to do this in hopes of saving the next guy some time.
The C++ struct holding the raw source array:
struct foo_cpp {
float a[16];
The Java class holding the destination array:
public class foo_java {
public float a[];
public foo_java() {
a = new float[16];
The C++ function passing the data to the Java class:
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_com_example_myapp_Controller_process_1frame(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz)
// C++ "source array"
foo_cpp fc;
// Initialize fc.a here...
// Convert from cpp to java
jobject foo_object;
// Create the foo object
jclass foo_class_id = env->FindClass("com/example/myapp/foo_java");
jmethodID foo_ctor_id = env->GetMethodID(foo_class_id, "<init>", "()V");
foo_object = env->NewObject(foo_class_id, foo_ctor_id);
// Get the field ID
jfieldID field_id = env->GetFieldID(foo_class_id, "a", "[F");
// Set the fields
// Get pointer to Java object float array (Get pointer to Java class foo_java::a)
jobject field_data = env->GetObjectField(foo_object, field_id);
// Reinterpret the field object as a jfloatArray
jfloatArray* fa = reinterpret_cast<jfloatArray*>(&field_data);
// Get raw access to the float array
float* fa_raw = env->GetFloatArrayElements(*fa, nullptr);
// Copy elements (you might want to use std::memcpy() instead)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
fa_raw[i] = fc.a[i];
// Release the jfloatArray
env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(fa, fa_raw, 0);
return foo_object;
And that’s it.
This blog post was inspired after asking for help on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65076094/passing-float-from-c-to-java-using-jni